The final day of judging. We judged four flights of melomels. After that we broke off for pizza and a couple Sierra Nevada Pale Ales. Sure was good to have something with malt and hops in it! Then it was back to the grind. We judged the melomel mini BOS and finished up with the Best of Show.
You can click on any picture and get a larger picture. Send me an e-mail if you want a really big picture (1536x1024) of any of these.
Here's Ken Schramm, Arnold Nietzke, Pat Babcock and Mike O'Brien (left
to right, front to back). Bills dog is in the background checking out the
sandhill cranes that were feeding in the back yard.
Spencer Thomas crackin' open one of the tropical meads in his flight. Spencer
did his flight solo. I have no doubt his excellent palate did the flight
Mike and Arnold. I wonder what Pat is going to do with that calculator?
Dan McConnell looking to see which mead is next in our flight. I wanted
to judge with Dan because I know he's top notch.
me helping with the mini BOS. Spencer is to my left and that's Ken across
the table
I think we have winner! Spencer seems to be enjoying this one very much.
Now the work beings, the BOS judging. Ken, Dan, Pat, Spencer (taking the
picture) and I did the judging. It wasn't an easy choice.
Hard work but it was light hearted too.
Ken is holding up his glass making some points. Bill is in the background.
He worked pretty hard not to get his picture taken!
Dan pouring over the melomel winner. Although it would go on to win, he
just wasn't convinced.
Note the proper way to judge a mead, pinky held high!
Here's Bill getting some of the glassware loaded in the dishwasher. I can
only guess how many loads it took.
Copywrite March 1999